Friday, 25 December 2009
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Christmas 2009 - the three-minute English lesson!
Well, here it is - Christmas 2009 at Tower English. Enjoy!
By the way, the excellent Christmas music featured in the video is by Fatblueman. Check out the lead singer's blog here.
By the way, the excellent Christmas music featured in the video is by Fatblueman. Check out the lead singer's blog here.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Changes to Tower Talk
Have you noticed anything new about Tower Talk? Well, I have just joined Twitter. You can see my updates on the left with a picture of my face (I really must change the red sweater, I am wearing it in every picture of me).
If you don't know, Twitter is similar to Facebook or Mixi, but I like it more because you can only write short messages on it - 140 letters or kanji each time. That is good, because I don't have time to write much more than that.
You can read the updates on the left, or even better, you can follow me on Twitter and get all the updates whenever you like.
Also, I have moved the hits counter to the bottom of the page, added a list of blogs that you might find interesting, added a link to Tower English's YouTube channel, and a new search feature.
Have a look around, I hope you like the changes. Now, I must get some sleep.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Phonics and the 42 sounds of English
Here's the latest weekly three-minute English lesson. This week, it is all about phonics - the sounds of English. Most children in England learn to read by making the sounds of the letters, but it's hard to remember all the sounds and how they are spelt - so doing the actions helps... even for you adults. Plus, the actions keep you warm through the winter.
On with the show (please join in at home):
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Christmas Party!
プレイグループ クリスマスパーティー
参加費:1000円 サンタの登場有り
Tower English Christmas Party
プレイグループ クリスマスパーティー
参加費:1000円 サンタの登場有り
Tower English Christmas Party
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Seven Samurai of Tower English
Here's Tower English's weekly three-minute lesson. This week it's how to give a speech, hosted by the magnificent seven students who are competing in a speech contest (with three other language schools). Here are a few tips!
Good luck to all seven, we're proud of you, whatever happens on Sunday.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Tower Englishから10名の子供達が10月31日に児童英検を受けました。
Tower Englishの10人の子供たちの平均は90%、最高点はTeruyukiくんの97%でした。
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
How to introduce yourself - in three minutes
Here's your weekly three-minute English lesson from the Tower English Living Room Studios - here in downtown Kounoyama. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Oops! We missed an anniversary
Did you know that Tower English is two years old? Actually, the special day was October 2nd, but we completely forgot, as we were busy preparing for Halloween, a speech contest, as well as lots of other things.
Many thanks to everyone who has supported us over the last two years.
Time flies when you are having fun!
Monday, 9 November 2009
'Please do it at home!' First three-minute internet English lesson at Tower English!
Hello, here is something new for Tower English - a three-minute video lesson. What do you think?
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
11月29日(日)に開催予定のNPO法人こどもの地球村主催 英語スピーチコンテスト2009にTower Englishから8人の子供達が出場することになりました。インフルエンザ関連で学級閉鎖だったりとなかなか時間がとれませんが、みんな一生懸命原稿作りを終え、今練習しています。きっと素敵なスピーチができることと思います。まだまだ時間はあります。
This is for Moe:
This is for Haruka:
This is for Mizuki:
This is for Hayato:
This is for Teruyuki:
This is for Rieko:
This is for Yui:
This is for Keita:
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Halloween Party Time!
ここ数週間「今年のハロウィーン・パーティーはないの?」と毎日のように聞かれていました。お待たせしてすみません。今年もちゃんとHalloween Partyしますよ。プレイグループの小さいお子さんと大きな子供達をまた分けました。今年もたくさんのゲームと歌でワイワイしたいと思います。仮装したたくさんの子供達に会える事を楽しみにしていますね。
Halloween Party−親子プレイグループ0〜3才児対象
会費:お子さんお1人 1000円
Halloween Party−Tower Englishの児童とそのお友達(幼稚園児〜中学生)
会場:アビスタ内 ミニホール
会費:お子さんお1人 1000円
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Lots of news
I'm sorry I have not written much recently - we've been very busy at Tower English (as usual). But, hopefully there will be some more news soon. Here's what we are planning at the moment:
- A Halloween party for Tower English children
- A Halloween party for our playgroup children
- A speech competition with other language schools
- A listening exam for kids
- A weekly video lesson for our adult students
There will be more details soon (I hope)...
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Welcome back!
2週間の夏休みも終わり、みんなTower Englishに戻ってきました。
元気に日に焼けた顔が見れて、嬉しいです。今週は、What did you do this summer?の質問で始まったレッスン。「英語全部忘れたー。」と言いながらも、何とか意思疎通をクリア。
8月29日(土)夕方5時〜7時 我孫子駅前通りのコビアンの前で集合
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Well done everyone at speech day!
Did you enjoy speech day? We did, here's a little roundup of the day:
7月19日にTower Englishの第2回目のスピーチ大会が無事に終りました。ステージの上で一生懸命勇気を振り絞って、最後まで頑張った45人の子供たちは、とってもすばらしくそしてキラキラと輝いていました。また一つ成長したように思います。サポートしてくれた保護者の方々にも感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。今週のレッスンでは、「スピーチ大会またやりたい!」との声がたくさんありました。スピーチ大会は毎年夏に企画して行くつもりです。今年のメインはクリスマスショーですね。こちらの方も今から楽しみです。
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
What is your wish?
We had fun celebrating the Tanabata festival by writing a wish and tying it to a bamboo branch. Outside the front door. In fact, all 50 of the Tower English children had a go at making a wish for the future - in English of course. Wishes for the future included "I want to be a princess" to "I want to play the flute in an orchestra." Opening cake and flower shops were very popular, as well as becoming professional basketball, soccer and volleyball players. We will see how many come true...
Monday, 22 June 2009
The words to Stand by Me
Here's a great video by a New Zealand English teacher who lives in Hokkaido. Here, she explains the words to Stand By Me - you remember, the song the kids are practicing for speech day on July 19th. Check out her daily English videos here. She posts a new one every day!
Saturday, 6 June 2009
7月19日のスピーチ大会に向けて、かなり子供たちのスピーチに力が入って来たように思います。Helloと言いながら教室に入り、Speech, Speechと呟く子供達。自分の原稿を急いで鞄から出し、読み出す子供たち。毎回言いたい事が出て来て、少しづつ足していっている子もいます。ストレスになると困るけど、やる気でしかも楽しんで練習してくれる分には、もちろん喜んでサポートしちゃいます。
実は、今年のTower Englishは2つ"チャレンジ"しようと思っている事があります。児童英検とNPO法人こどもの地球村主催のCGV杯英語スピーチコンテストです。招待状を頂いた事もあり、他の英会話教室で頑張っている同世代の子供達のスピーチを聞く事も良い経験かなと思い決定しました。私たち講師から見て、是非出場させたい子供達が何人かいます。もちろん本人と保護者の方のお気持ち次第ですが。目標を一つ作り、それに向かって頑張る事は、こどもたちの得意分野ですからね。使える場をドンドン見つけていこうと思っています。
Friday, 8 May 2009
Welcome Miki
Monday, 20 April 2009
Let's get singing
Hello Tower English kids! Here's a video of Stand By Me, sung by John Lennon of the Beatles. But this video has the words. Get practising, because YOU will be singing it at the end of our speech day in July!
レッスンで約束していたStand by meです。宿題は毎日聞くこと。すこしづつ覚えていこう。そして7月のスピーチ大会で歌いましょう。「絶対に無理!」と言っていたけど7月までにはちゃんと歌えるようになるから心配しないように。そのかわりきちんと宿題はすること!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Writing good plots... and touring Scotland!
Here are two links to videos I used in classes recently. The first (click here) is some homework for a budding author on how to write a novel with a strong plot. The second, less difficult, is a promotional video for Scotland, where another student hopes to go on holiday this summer. Enjoy it right here. Oh, if you liked that one, part two is here. Wish I had time to visit too.
Friday, 3 April 2009
How to write good stories
Monday, 30 March 2009
New school year
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Learning English from Stephen King
Here's an interesting video about the world's most read author, Stephen King. One of Tower English's students is writing a novel (in Japanese) but she wanted to practise her English by watching interviews with real authors, and Sherriff-sensei thought: Let's start with the most popular writer. By the way, I thought it was amazing to learn how poor, but dedicated to writing Stephen King was. There is a lesson for us all there... Click here to watch the video.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
今日、2月14日は小学生クラス13人とインドカレー屋さんHariomでデート。全員がきちんと英語で注文しました。A set please. Nan please. Mild curry please. Mango juice pleaseと自分の食べたいもの、飲みたいものをきちんと注文できた。ちょっと先生たちは感動でした。しかもネパールから来たスタッフに聞きたい事たくさんで、ドンドン質問してました。Do you like Japan? Do you like curry? はスラスラと出てきてバッチリでした。その他日本に何年住んでいるか、ネパールにはバスケはあるの?バレンタインのチョコはもらった?など出てくる出てくる。ちゃんと練習してしっかり英語で質問する姿勢にはびっくり。みんなよく頑張りました。自分の英語が通じたと少しでも感じ喜んでくれた事だと思います。使える英語ってこれですよね!Hariomのスタッフの皆様ご協力ありがとうございました。
Monday, 9 February 2009
Valentine's Day Lunch
Thursday, 8 January 2009
現在Tower Englishには、幼稚園児が18人います。少しでも英語でコミュニケーションがとれる事の素晴らしさを伝えられればと思っています。講師はイギリス人と日本人の2人、生徒数は、6人〜8人のグループレッスンです。体験ご希望の方は、メールかお電話でご連絡ください。
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