Wednesday, 9 July 2008

New signs

Our youngest students at today's playgroup were the first to see our new signs. One is a lovely hand-made wooden "Tower English" planter that Uncle Chako in Hokkaido made. He is a teacher at a school for the blind, and carpentry is just a weekend hobby for him. But check out his website and you can see he has the skill for a second career. The other sign is a new owl design he is trying out. What do you think of them?
Tower Englishのサインは、北海道の叔父、チャコからのプレゼント。普段は盲学校で教師をしているが、週末には工房で趣味に没頭する。素敵なプレゼントありがとう。そしてたくさんの英単語を話し始めたプレイグループに参加してくれている子供達、一緒に写真取ってくれてありがとう。