Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

It's time to finish painting and cleaning up and to wish all our students, friends and family a very happy new year for 2011!

Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas 2010 from Tower English

Merry Christmas everyone, here's a video of some of the activities the kids (and big kids) at Tower English got up to this Christmas. Enjoy!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Christmas Party 2010!


ダンススタジオナガオカにて 10:00〜11:30 
参加費 1000円

12月23日(木)Tower Englishキッズ
ダンススタジオナガオカにて 14:00〜15:00
参加費 1000円

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Tower English in the Japan Times記事にのりました!

What a pleasant surprise today when I opened my Japan Times - there was a full-page article about how small businesses are the future of the eikaiwa business in Japan - and look - quotes from Yoshie, two mothers of students, and me!

The reporter came out months ago to watch one of our playgroups, and I thought they had forgotten about us, but no, here's what was said about Tower English:

In a dance hall in Abiko, Chiba Prefecture, on a recent Wednesday, Patrick and Yoshie Sherriff, the owners of Tower English School, prepared for a playgroup drop-in. The concept is simple: Mothers pay ¥500 each week to play a series of English games with their toddlers.

As the lesson started, it became clear that the mothers were enjoying themselves as much, if not more, than their children. They were certainly noisier.

"Our children really enjoy the class. It's the highlight of their week. My older child is 4 years old and has continued on to kindergarten classes with Tower," said Miho Nishihiro, a mother of two.

"It's a good chance for mothers to communicate with each other too; we have little chance to socialize on normal days," added Manami Kikuchi, who has two children attending Tower. "A lot of English schools demand you reserve lessons in advance, but this is a drop-in, which is really convenient for us. If we miss lessons, we don't have to pay." The two mothers also attend lessons at the school.

Tower English is a school that looks to remain relatively small, and to give back as much as it takes.

"We are a community school. The T-shirts we are wearing are from a student that runs a printing company. This place is run by another student," says Englishman Patrick, 39. "The big eikaiwa schools simply cannot build up these relationships."

"We also have a primary school near our house. Eighty percent of the kids we teach come from there," adds his wife, Yoshie.

For marketing, Tower relies on word of mouth.

"The key to our success is basically that we know a lot of people. We have some leaflets and some business cards, a website and a blog, but if you want to talk about marketing, look at this playgroup: It's ¥500 and happens twice a week, it also gives back to the community, and the aim is to get as many people through the door as possible," Patrick says.

Click here for the full article Small schools offer hope amid eikaiwa slump.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Tower English Halloween Parties - the movie

Hope everyone had a fun party, we sure did, and here is the evidence. The first part shows our playgroup children, ages zero to three, and the second is for the big kids, ages 4 to 11. Thanks to all for coming.

Next up is Christmas...


Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Trick or treat?

It was a treat! We had a great time at the playgroup Halloween Party this morning. Here are some of the kids in costume... next up is the party for the big kids on Sunday.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Halloween Party!

今年もパワーアップしたHalloween Partyを二本立て企画します。



場所は共にダンススタジオ ナガオカです。

またたくさんのHalloween 衣装で参加してくれる子供達に会える事を楽しみにしています。

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

3年前の10月2日にTower Englishがスタートしました。




Monday, 27 September 2010

こどもの地球村主催 CGV杯 英語スピーチコンテスト

9月26日(日)にNPO法人こどもの地球村主催のCGV杯英語スピーチコンテストがありました。Tower Englishは今年二度目の参加になります。今年はShow&Tell部門に8人、Contest部門に8人の子供たちを連れて行きました。


そしてその中でもS&T部門の50人の参加者の中で3人だけに贈られる特別賞を受賞した小1の空大くん、最高のマイケルジャクソンのMoon Walkでした。よくやった!おめでとう。




Monday, 13 September 2010

Speech Contest practice videos

To help the sixteen brave volunteers who are competing in a speech contest at the end of this month, I've started uploading videos of me reading the children's speeches for them to practice. Three of them are done, the rest I will try to do tonight. Good luck all!

Click here for the speeches.


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Back from England!

暑さにも負けていない元気な子供達の顔を見て、安心しました。8月から新クラスもできます。パワーアップしたTower Englishで英語をドンドン吸収してもらおうと思います。

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Tower English speech day success

Well done to everyone (62 children) who took part in the third annual Tower English speech day. We think it was a success, and a good experience for the kids, if not their nervous parents!

I will upload a YouTube video of the day, just as soon as I can figure out how to get it off my camera and onto my computer.

Once again, well done everyone.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Make a wish

Did you make a wish for Tanabata? All the kids at Tower English did. What did Mr and Mrs Sherriff wish? That everyone enjoys the speech day on July 19th. Practise, because time is slipping away...

Friday, 25 June 2010

The future of the World Cup, right here!

Well, you may not know it but we here at Tower English are crazy about the World Cup. I thought it might make a good subject for a 3-minute English lesson.

Enjoy! Come on Japan and Come on England!

Friday, 4 June 2010







Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Mums' English Club

いつものように夢庵を予約しました。See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tower English featured in Japan Times article today

We are rather proud today because The Japan Times used some quotes from an interview with me in an article about the collapse of GEOS and the eikaiwa industry. The reporter wanted to know what I thought about the business of running a conversation school in Japan. I said that it was a good business, but the big companies charged too much and demanded six or 12-month fees in advance from their customers (Tower English doesn't, but you already knew that!) Here's what I said in the article:

"There are two massive problems with eikaiwa policies: tie-ins (which commit students to staying at the same school for long lengths of time) and a complete lack of pricing transparency," says 39-year-old Patrick Sherriff, the founder of Tower English, a conversation school in Abiko, Chiba Prefecture. "It's ironic because they demand long-term commitment from their customers but, as many of our students have told us, they can't keep hold of their native English teachers."

"If you want to learn a language, would you be happy to pay for a year's tuition based on one trial lesson at a company that may go bankrupt? I wouldn't, and neither would our students," Sherriff adds.

The full article is here.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Mothers' English Club at 夢庵


Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Mothers' English Club at Coco's Abiko

Late breaking news -

Mothers' English Club is at Coco's Abiko from 11.45 am, Wednesday March 31st!

See you at the playgroup, or at the restaurant.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Signs of Spring at Tower English

Did you know Tower English has two car parking spaces? Maybe not because the paper and plastic signs keep falling down. Well, that's no longer a problem. We have new signs. How did we do it? Let me demonstrate:

1. Get some offcuts of wood, some leftover paint and some tools:

2. Find someone who can write English:

3. Stick them in the car park!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Say hello to Hiroto, the 400th playgoup student


Journey back in time to no. 300(300人目)in March 2009, no. 200(200人目) in July 2008 and no. 100(100人目) in January 2008!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day


Dear all,
Happy Valentine's Day!
Lots of Love from Mr and Mrs Sherriff

Friday, 12 February 2010

Would you like a hamster?

I have 6 baby hamsters who need a new home. They were born on December the 19th. They don't have any names. You can name it. There are 4boys and 2girls.

Please phone us! 7136-2746 (Mrs. Hattori)

Thank you. Mio (9)

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

A snow poem and studying English tenses

Here's the latest Tower English three-minute video. It was a kind of poem inspired by the snow that fell Monday night. I took pictures and video the next day (Tuesday), and when I finally got it online (on Wednesday) it had started snowing again.

Anyway, here it is, hope you enjoy it, and it helps you practice tenses in English.


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Mums' English Club Lunch!

Mums' English Clubが毎月第4水曜日の11:50〜再スタートします。
Let's do lunch in English. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

A Japanese-English three-minute story

Here's the latest three-minute lesson with a story featuring English words that have become Japanese. These "loan words" now have a meaning different from the original English, so I have included subtitles for those who don't know any Japanese, and for Japanese people who are not sure of the English. Enjoy!

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Back to School!

We hope you had a great holiday - now it's time to get back to English. Tower English opens again from Monday January 4th.

Welcome back.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year from all of us

Hope the New Year is a good one for you. We have lots of plans, both big and small, to improve Tower English, and we hope you will see the difference soon. More of that later, for now, have a Happy New Year!