Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Well done everyone at speech day!

Did you enjoy speech day? We did, here's a little roundup of the day:

7月19日にTower Englishの第2回目のスピーチ大会が無事に終りました。ステージの上で一生懸命勇気を振り絞って、最後まで頑張った45人の子供たちは、とってもすばらしくそしてキラキラと輝いていました。また一つ成長したように思います。サポートしてくれた保護者の方々にも感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。今週のレッスンでは、「スピーチ大会またやりたい!」との声がたくさんありました。スピーチ大会は毎年夏に企画して行くつもりです。今年のメインはクリスマスショーですね。こちらの方も今から楽しみです。

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

What is your wish?

We had fun celebrating the Tanabata festival by writing a wish and tying it to a bamboo branch. Outside the front door. In fact, all 50 of the Tower English children had a go at making a wish for the future - in English of course. Wishes for the future included "I want to be a princess" to "I want to play the flute in an orchestra." Opening cake and flower shops were very popular, as well as becoming professional basketball, soccer and volleyball players. We will see how many come true...