Thursday, 28 August 2008

Last playgroup from home

わかなちゃんは、ダンスが上手で、one two threeも上手に言えるようになってきたね。お片づけはいつも一番。ゆうたくんは、たくさん英単語が言えるようになりました。色も形ももうバッチリですね。たくとくんは、上手に色が言えるようになりました。Hello songもばっちりだね。いままでお時間を作って高野山までいらしてくださった皆さん、ありがとうございました。たくさんのお友達を紹介してくれたママたちにも感謝します。これからも水金のプレイグループは、スタジオでずーと続けていきますので、よろしくお願いいたします。

Dancing time

Everyone always has a good time doing the playgroup last dance - here it is from this morning at Dance Studio Nagaoka. Enjoy!
今日は27人のお友達が集合しました。たくさん歌を歌って、ダンスも上手にできました。レストランごっこの時は、美味しいごはんをたくさん作って遊べました。今日もたくさんの子供達がI'm _____.って英語でお名前が言えました。スゴいね!これからもドンドン英語であそぼうね。

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Playgroup moving to Dance Studio Nagaoka


We are excited that from next week, the playgroup moves permanently to Dance Studio Nagaoka (opposite Abiko city hall) - on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 11:30am. We started the playgroup from our front room with just four children on October 2, 2007, and now we have had 212 children come through our doors. There is just one more playgroup at our house - on Thursday 28th August.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Back to school

Just some of the new books we'll use in children's classes.

We have had a lovely few weeks off and hope everyone has had a nice break this August - we are open again from Monday the 18th, remember? What's new? Well let's see...
  • We are holding a one-year anniversary party and speech day at Abisuta library on Sunday October 5th. Bring a dish and enjoy the show, which the children will start working on in classes shortly.
  • For children's classes, we have bought 30 new Oxford Reading Tree books. These are the same books British primary schools use to help children to learn to read.
  • From August 18th, we will be using a new car park. There is space reserved for two cars in the car park on our street, next to Kounoyama Elementary School. Please use it if you drive to lessons. Ask us if you need directions.
That's it for now. Don't forget to come to class this week!

Friday, 15 August 2008

スリランカ直輸入ー美味しい紅茶の紹介 - it's teatime!

Tower Englishの教室に素敵な紅茶をディスプレイしてみました。本場スリランカからの直輸入なので、やっぱりその辺の紅茶のTasteとは違う。イギリスで売られている紅茶の大半はスリランカからの輸入だったので、懐かしい味がした。粋な紅茶入れなので、ちょっとしたプレゼントなら喜ばれる事間違いなし。KASHE INTERNATIONALの美味しい紅茶。是非試してみてください。

Here at Tower English, we like to try new things and the latest is offering some Sri Lankan tea for sale. People think English tea is from England, actually most of it is from Sri Lanka, so we are delighted to be able to offer the real thing. By the way, you don't have to drink it with milk and sugar, but most English (and Sri Lankans) do. Cheers.