Friday, 30 May 2008

Coffee time

Our policy has always been to make learning English as fun or as relaxing as possible, and part of that mission has been to provide some decent tea and coffee for students. If you have been wondering where we get our delicious coffee from, wonder no more - it is from Lancamento Cafe, a quirky shop run by a real character, Morimoto-san. Check out his website here, or better still, go there and try a brew or two.

Friday, 23 May 2008


4月からスタートした年少クラス、と言っても、3月までは毎週親子英語プレイグループに参加してくれていて、ひと際目立っていた子供たち。毎週会うのが本当に楽しみなクラス。スポンジのような6人の子供たちはドンドン言葉を吸収していく。Thank you. Here you are. You're welcome. How are you? I'm fine, thank you.....など、状況によって、彼らの口から自然に出てくる言葉はたくさんある。今日のレッスンでは、"I like Pink." "Me, too!"という表現を使ってみた。きっとどんな意味かな??と頭の中でいろいろ考えていた事だろう。テキストには出てこない表現でも、どんどん使っていきたい。今後、Classroom Englishを少しづつ導入してみる予定でいる。Can I go to the toilet please? I'm thirstyなど、レッスン中に使える英語表現を使わせていきたい。


What do you like? - I like frogs.     What do you want? - I want a frog.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008


4月から5人でスタートした小1のクラスは、1ヶ月半を終え、子供たちの変化ぶりにびっくりする。全く英語に触れていなかった子でも、毎週聞く話すの練習で耳や口が慣れてくる。A-Zのカードと色/形のリレーゲームは毎週行うが、今日は本当にスラスラとQ&Aができていて嬉しかった。常に話しかけ、常に声に出して欲しいので、少人数でも講師は2人。レッスン中はかなりの音量。それでも明るく元気に話す事は大歓迎。外国人に"Do you speak English?" と聞かれたら、"Yes I do!"と笑顔で答えられる子供たちになって欲しい。現在Tower Englishに毎週通って来てくれる素晴らしい子供たち34人への心からの願いだ。

Monday, 19 May 2008



Sunday, 18 May 2008

Talking about the future

Future tenses can be confusing in English. I'm talking about the future in the free conversation class at 3pm tomorrow - it will be fun, I'm going to ask students lots of questions, because they might be unsure about the grammar. In that sentence I used four ways to talk about the class tomorrow: to be +ing, will + infinitive, going to + infinitive and might + infinitive. Why? Well, because there is a small difference in meaning in each.
  • When something is fixed for the future, or in the diary we use to be +ing: I'm talking about the future at 3pm tomorrow. I'm getting married on the 10th of June.
  • For making predictions, promises or immediate decisions we use will + infinitive:  It will be fun. I won't be late for my lesson. Wait a minute, I'll make some coffee.
  • For intentions - something we are planning now about the future - we use going to + infinitive: I'm going to ask questions. I'm going to watch Casablanca tonight.
  • If there is a lot of doubt, might + infinitive is best: Students might be unsure about the grammar. I might go to England or America on holiday.
Well done. Now, I'm going to go to bed...

Monday, 12 May 2008


Tower Talkブログへようこそ。Tower EnglishのHPでは書ききれないことがたくさんあり、新しくブログをスタートしました。今後バラエティーにとんだニュース・情報を日英でお届けしていきたいと思います。みなさんのコメントもお待ちしております。

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Language of love

"Get" is a very common word in English. You can get up, get lost, get tired and get better at English, and still there are many more meanings to learn. "Get" appeared recently in a lesson featuring vocabulary to talk about relationships, here are some of the expressions:
  • to get engaged (promise to marry): I got engaged when I was 25.
  • to get married: She got married to her high school sweetheart.
  • to get divorced (end a marriage): They got divorced after the children had grown up.
  • to go out (as boyfriend and girlfriend): They went out for a month before they kissed.
  • to fall in love: He fell in love with her between dessert and the espresso.

Movie time

Saturdays begin early at Tower English with a 9am "salaryman" class. While sipping our cups of coffee, we always begin with a little chat about what we have been doing in the past week. Today, I learnt about the students' movie tastes. They have watched The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin's satire of Hitler), The Da Vinci Code and a bit of Casablanca. I have Casablanca on DVD, so I was happy to lend it to one of my students. Fortunately, it has Japanese subtitles - this is an elementary class after all!