Thursday, 27 December 2007


12月25日にプレイグループの子供たちのクリスマスパーティがありました。29人の子供たちとそのママたちといい思い出がつくれたと思います。今年はどうしても自宅でパーティをしたく、人数制限をしてしまい、参加できない子供たちがたくさんいました。ごめんなさい。サンタさんの登場で子供たちも喜んでくれました。素敵なサンタさんだと好評でした。主人がどうしてもサンタ役をお願いしたい人だったので、無理なお願いもきいていただいたときは、ともてうれしかったです。ありがとうございます。毎週来てくれるLちゃんはハローソングが歌えるようになりました。Yくんは自信を持って英語で自己紹介ができるようになりました。そのうち大好きな歌もすんなり歌えるようになるんでしょうね。とても楽しみにしています。今年は28日が最終日です。1月は7日から開始です。  由恵



Thursday, 20 December 2007

Christmas party

Well, what a lovely time we had at the Christmas party on Sunday. We were really glad that 57 people came along and judging from the pictures, everyone had fun, I know we did. I can't thank enough all our guests who brought some wonderful food and even better, a desire to have a good time in English. The highlights for me were watching the children beat the adults in the game of  English Whispers, and the look on Mrs Komuro's face when she won the grand final of the stone, scissors, paper competition. A very special thanks to May Arai who took some great pictures. All the pictures are one the left of this blog. Now, where did I put my drink?

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

42 sounds of English

Now here's a question for you - which of the 42 different sounds of English am I demonstrating to two attentive students? I'll give you the answer at the end of this entry, so be patient if you can't work it out. The actions are to help young learners remember the sounds that letters represent. In Japan, most kids can recite their ABCs from the famous song played whenever children learn English. But just because you know the name of letters, doesn't mean you know how to pronounce them when you see them written down, especially as English spelling does not make much sense. So, can you work out what sound I am miming? Give up? It's the vowels found in "maid" and "paid". The mime is of someone who can't hear saying "Eh? Eh?" - the sound of "ai". Thanks to shutterbug May Arai who took this photo while the lesson was in full swing.

Monday, 10 December 2007

