Sunday, 28 October 2007
Open for three weeks
I can't believe that we have only been open for three weeks, it feels more like three years. Everyone in the house has been putting in a lot of work to get Tower English off the ground and we hope our new students can see the results. I want to thank three people: my mother-in-law, who races against the clock every morning to get the classroom spotless for the toddlers; and our two daughters, who, even at the ages of two and five, help the business by joining in the teaching of the younger kids and keeping out of the way of the adults. All three stay in the background, but without them there could be no business.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
10月2日に待ちに待った教室がオープンし、1週間が無事に終わった。朝のプレイグループでは毎日素敵なお子さんたちに出会えて楽しい。三日間続けて来てくれた子は、2歳前にして、BlueとRedらしき音を発し始めた。感激する瞬間だった。Goodbye Songとして利用している歌は、全身運動。終わったあとは、親子で息切れしているが、うれしそうな子供の笑顔を見ると、もっともっとがんばろうと言う気になる。イギリスにいるときに、娘のお友達が遊びに来ては、庭で裸足で踊っていた歌。懐かしくも思いながら、いつかこのプレイグループに来てくれる子供達が、「You put your left arm in.......」って歌ってくれるときが来るんだと楽しみが増えた。子供の耳は柔軟で、驚かされるほど。「A doggy says woof woof. A frog says ribbit ribbit.」と一緒にパズルをしていた2歳の子が5分後、「Ribbitってなあに?」って日本語で聞いてきた。ちゃんとRの発音になっていた。どんなに小さくても、聞いていないようでちゃんと聞いている子供たち。間違いなく、しっかりと発音重視で話しかけていこうとつくづく感じた。来週は英語でレストランごっこに挑戦。
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
We're in business
The signboard is up and the secret is out... yes, we are open for business and we are still standing after a hectic day! Many thanks to the good folk of Kounoyama and further afield who sent or brought us flowers and sent messages of support, they were much appreciated. The playgroup got off to a great start thanks to the mothers and children who visited. We were told that one two-year-old enjoyed it so much she needed an extra two-hour nap after she got home... we are certainly happy to give mothers any extra help, I know I could do with a nice long nap now...
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